Greening State Buildings for a Brighter Future
State departments across California are adopting a green way of thinking about their facility operations. Under the leadership of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., California has undertaken an ambitious effort to green the state’s buildings and save taxpayer dollars in the process.
state buildings has
already been reduced
by more than 20%
In 2012, Governor Brown issued a sweeping executive order directing all state agencies, departments, and other state entities to reduce their grid energy use by 20 percent by 2018 (compared to a 2003 baseline). In addition to energy reduction goals, the executive order also called for a reduction of 20 percent of state water use by 2020 (compared to a 2010 baseline). The water use reduction goal is accelerated to 25 percent by the end of 2015 under the state's first-ever statewide mandatory water reductions announced in April.
This website tracks state departments' progress towards those ambitious goals. Click on the "Department" tab above to find out how individual state departments are doing. Background information on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and greenhouse gas reporting can be found under the "About" tab.
State Water Use
The most recent data shows that collectively, state departments have already met the 20 percent water use reduction goal set forth in the executive order and are currently working to increase conservation to the levels outlined in the state’s first-ever mandatory water reductions.
These savings were achieved by reducing outdoor irrigation, as well as upgrades to plumbing fixtures and removal of ornamental turf, and other conservation measures.
State Energy Use
about the growing threat
of global warming requires
more than just new laws.
We must lead by example.”
- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
In 2003, state agencies collectively consumed nearly 12 billion kBTU (thousand British Thermal Units) of electricity and natural gas combined, equal to the energy used by 175,000 California homes.
The most recent data shows a double-digit percentage reduction since 2003. These savings have resulted from retrofits of lighting and mechanical systems for improved efficiency, onsite renewable energy, and conservation measures.
progress through 2022
(percent change from baseline year)

1.8 Million kBtu

8.16 Billion Gallons

2.12 Million MT