California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS)
CalPERS consistently aligns its business practices with sustainable principles that result in long-term benefits to the environment. Lincoln Plaza, CalPERS Headquarters are nationally recognized, high-performing buildings that exhibit green building best practices.
In April 2012, Governor Brown issued Executive Orders which set aggressive new sustainability standards to green the State’s buildings, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and conserve water. Having sustainable practices in existence prior to the Governor’s mandates allowed CalPERS to meet many of the requirements before their respective deadline. CalPERS is committed to being a leader in sustainable practices and will continue to support and implement sustainable practices that improve efficiency in daily operations while preserving the environment.
The total energy use represented on this website does not account for the 62% increase in total square footage that CalPERS has experienced since 2003, through the acquisition of additional properties to the existing headquarters.
Since the total energy use only measures an increase in energy to determine savings, a more appropriate unit of comparison, for this situation, is energy use intensity (EUI) which provides energy consumption per square foot. This allows for a better means to measure energy consumption despite the increase in square footage. In 2018, the Source EUI without Solar Shares was a 38% reduction from the 2003 baseline.
CalPERS will continue to make significant efforts to reduce the impact of the organization's operations on the environment. For more information on Lincoln Plaza's Green Building Accomplishments visit the website.
progress through 2022

10.78 Thousand kBtu

13.15 Million Gallons

5.48 Thousand MT