Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Inventories

Scientists, policymakers and
the people of California are
concerned about climate related
impacts on the state's environment,
public health and economy.
Greenhouse gases, or GHGs, are gases in the atmosphere that trap heat and help to warm the planet. GHGs from human activities, or anthropogenic GHGs—mostly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—have been increasing in the atmosphere since the dawn of the industrial revolution. This increase in the atmospheric concentration of GHGs is already leading to observable changes in California’s climate.
State agencies account for GHG emissions from all owned and leased buildings, vehicles, and other equipment and facilities they operate. These inventories currently do not include GHG emissions from employee commute travel, as reflected in the facilities' location efficiency scores, or travel by other users of State facilities. GHG emissions inventories are predominantly derived from three key areas: natural gas, vehicle fuels, and purchased electricity. State agencies are doing their part to reduce the effects of climate change and fight global warming by reporting and reducing their GHG emissions. California is part of a leading group of subnational governments around the world that are promoting ambitious action on climate change and demonstrating clear and lasting commitment to reduce emissions in the decades to come. For more information, please visit the Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding (Under2MOU).