Greening the State Fleet
In recognition of the state's responsibility to minimize its environmental footprint and maximize its role in contributing towards the health of our environment, California State departments are adopting a green way of thinking about their fleet. Under the leadership of the Governor’s Office, California has undertaken an ambitious effort to promote a reliable, environmentally responsible and cost effective fleet.
Alternative Fuel Usage
ZEVs and Hybrids
Petroleum Fuel Usage
Alternative Fuel Usage
Summary of Fuel Consumption Breakdown
Light Duty Fleet MPG and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Light Duty Asset Distribution
Breakdown of ZEVs and Hybrids (Cumulative)
Petroleum Reduction
In 2007, legislation was passed that established a goal of reducing or displacing the consumption of petroleum products by the state fleet by 10 percent in 2012 and by 20 percent in 2020 (compared to a 2003 baseline). As of January 1, 2017, the state met and exceeded 2020 goal of reducing petroleum consumption by 20 percent. For more details, see the full final report here.
Please see the chart below for the state's year-over-year progress in meeting these petroleum reduction goals.
Building upon the state fleet’s success in meeting the requirements of AB 236, the state has established a new petroleum reduction target of 50% (compared to a 2015 baseline) by 2030.
Please see the chart below for the state’s progress in meeting the new petroleum reduction goal.
- In 2017, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection increased miles traveled by 3.2M miles in response to wildfires.
- In 2022 the state fleet increased miles traveled by 14.8M miles from the previous year.
Fuel Efficient Vehicles
Executive Order (EO) B-16-12 was issued to further reduce petroleum usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mandating at least 10 percent of light-duty (LD) state fleet vehicle purchases are zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2015, increasing to 25 percent by 2020. Building on EO B-16-12, 2016 ZEV Action Plan was issued, which increased the ZEV purchasing requirements to 50 percent by 2025. Also in 2016, the California Department of General Services issued a statewide policy mandating five percent annual increases to the ZEV Purchasing threshold starting in fiscal year 2017-18. Vehicles having special performance requirements necessary for the protection of public safety and welfare are exempted from this mandate.
Since the EO took effect, the state has consistently met or exceeded the annual LD ZEV purchase mandate requirement. However, in FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, the LD ZEV purchase mandate was not enforced. To mitigate the anticipated negative impact of COVID-19, the Department of Finance issued a Budget Letter (BL) 20-11 prohibiting state agencies to purchase any new goods except to meet time-sensitive critical needs. To support state agencies in acquiring sufficient fleet assets to meet their business needs under such purchasing restrictions, the state did not impose the required LD ZEV purchase thresholds. The mandate was put in force again in FY 2022-23. As of 2023, over 3,100 ZEVs have been approved for purchase.
Please see the chart below for the state's progress in meeting these ZEV purchasing goals.
progress 2015 through 2023
(percent change from baseline year)

1663 New ZEVs

934 New Hybrids