Major Initiatives – Chronological Order (Current to Previous)

State Administrative Manual Sections 4121 – 4121.6: Updates the ZEV purchasing policy which, among other things, instituted a “ZEV and hybrid vehicle first” purchasing policy and increased the ZEV purchasing mandate annually by 5 percent so that it will be 50 percent by 2025. The “ZEV and hybrid first” purchasing mandate requires departments to purchase light-duty vehicles according to the following priority structure, when available on the statewide contract: (1) pure ZEVs, (2) PHEVs, and (3) hybrids.

State Administrative Manual Sections 4120 – 4127: Updates the process that state agencies must follow in order to acquire additional or replacement fleet assets. It also mandates departments to be compliant with all fleet asset reporting requirements in order for DGS to process their fleet acquisition requests.

2016 ZEV Action Plan: Issued in October 2016, this is the second iteration of the Governor’s Office Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan (hereafter “Plan”) which provides an updated roadmap toward Executive Order B-16-12’s call for 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on California roadways by 2025. Amongst several updates, the Plan: 1) requires that 50 percent of all state agency light-duty vehicle procurements be ZEV by 2025; 2) directs state agencies, in coordination with DGS, to install electric vehicle charging stations to comprise a minimum of 5 percent of all workplace parking spaces at state-owned facilities, and 3) directs DGS to evaluate and update Executive Order B-16-12’s ZEV purchasing exemption for public safety vehicles with special performance requirements to ensure that ZEVs are integrated into public safety mobile assets under all feasible circumstances.

State Administrative Manual Section 3627: Mandates the use of renewable diesel in lieu of conventional diesel and biodiesel fuel for bulk transportation fuel purchases.

State Administrative Manual Section 3620.1: Sets the minimum MPG requirements for light-duty passenger vehicles (38 MPG) and light-duty trucks, vans, and SUVs (22.2 MPG). It also requires all light-duty, non-emergency response vehicles to be ordered with solar reflective colors to maximize fuel economy by reducing the need for air conditioning.

Senate Bill 1265: Requires the establishment of a minimum fuel economy standard for the purchase of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks for the state that are powered solely by internal combustion engines utilizing fossil fuels.

Executive Order B-16-12: Directs California’s state fleet to increase the purchase of ZEVs through the normal course of fleet replacement. It requires that at least 10 percent of light-duty vehicle purchases be ZEVs by 2015. The requirement increases to 25 percent by 2020.

Executive Order B-2-11: Orders departments to identify and dispose from their fleet nonessential or cost inefficient vehicles.

Assembly Bill 236: Requires the increased use of alternative fuels through the reduction or displacement of petroleum products in the state fleet based on the following benchmarks: (1) By January 1, 2012, a 10 percent reduction or displacement. (2) By January 1, 2020, a 20 percent reduction or displacement.

Senate Bill 552: Adopted the recommendations from the California State Vehicle Fleet Fuel Efficiency Report and required the collection of statewide fleet data and the publishing of annual public reports pertaining to fleet composition.